PathInfo Reference



PathInfo is an AppleScript module which provides object oriented interface to deal with file references.

In AppleScript various kind of file references are used i.e. alias, File URL, HFS path and POSIX path. PathInfo allow to unified way to convert each others and to obtain various infomation from file references.


use PathInfo : script "PathInfo"

set a_path to "/System/Library/CoreServices/"

(*** Class methods ***)
log PathInfo's name_of(a_path)
log PathInfo's basename_of(a_path)
log PathInfo's path_extension_of(a_path)
log PathInfo's split_name("basename.txt")
(*basename, txt*)
log PathInfo's folder_of(a_path)

(*** Obtain path infomation ***)
set a_pathinfo to PathInfo's make_with(a_path)
log a_pathinfo's item_name()
log a_pathinfo's basename()
log a_pathinfo's path_extension()
log a_pathinfo's is_folder()
log a_pathinfo's item_exists()
log a_pathinfo's is_posix()

(*** Converting reference form ***)
log a_pathinfo's as_alias()
(*alias Macintosh*)
log a_pathinfo's as_furl()
(*file Macintosh*)
log a_pathinfo's posix_path()
log a_pathinfo's hfs_path()

(*** Making a new instance from the instance ***)
log a_pathinfo's parent_folder()'s posix_path()
log a_pathinfo's change_name("new_item")'s posix_path()
log a_pathinfo's change_path_extension("txt")'s posix_path()
log a_pathinfo's change_folder("/aaa/bbb/")'s posix_path()
log a_pathinfo's child("child_item")'s posix_path()
PathInfo Reference