XFile ChangeLog
- 1.8.4 -- 2020-04-17
- 1.8.3 -- 2020-03-18
- Fixed : a XFile instance did not follow the destination after a file is moved with move_with_replacing.
- 1.8.2 -- 2020-02-26
- Use NSFileManager for list_children() instead of scripting additions's list folder command.
- 1.8.1 -- 2020-02-05
- Added copy_with_replacing
- copy_to is reimplemented using NSFileMangaer.
- copy_to don't replace a copy destination.
- is_folder returns ture for disks.
- Fixed error of move_with_replacing.
- 1.8 -- 2020-02-04
- resolve_alias is reimplemented using NSURL.
- remove, move_to, move_with_replacing, into_trash are reimplemented using NSFileManager.
- Fixed is_package()
- PathInfo 1.3.1 or later is required.
- 1.7.2 -- 2020-02-03
- Added type_identifier()
- is_folder, is_alias, is_symlink, is_package are reimplemented using type_ideintifier().
- Fixed the problems of into_trash() due to alias values in macOS 10.14 don't follow changing location.
- 1.7.1 -- 2020-01-28
- Use OpenHelpBook.scptd instead of HelpBook.osax.
- Fixed the problems of move_to() due to alias values in macOS 10.14 don't follow changing name and location.
- 1.7 -- 2017-04-14
- Enabled to work with AppleScript Libraries.
- Removed dependency on ModuleLoader.
- OS X 10.9 or later is required.
- Updated the help book.
- 1.6 -- 2015-09-04
- Added "move_with_replacing".
- Added "volume_name".
- 1.5 -- 2012-06-01
- Added "info_with_size".
- Added "perform_shell".
- Added "shell_test"
- Added "is_symlink"
- The file infomation returned from "info" will not contain size infomation.
- "resolve_alias" can follow the origianl of symbolics.
- Improved perfomance of "copy_to" and "copy_with_opts".
- 1.4 -- 2012-05-26
- Added "normalized_posix_path".
- Added "item_exists_without_update".
- Added "each".
- 1.3.3 -- 2011-02-10
- Fixed resolve_alias().
- Fixed is_folder(). Use a result of info for command.
- 1.3.2 -- 2010-09-09
- Refixed unique_child() for a name without including path extenstion.
- 1.3.1 -- 2010-06-16
- Fixed unique_child() for the instance created from a HFS path.
- Fixed unique_child() for a name without including path extenstion.
- 1.3 -- 2010-03-25
- ModuleLoader is needed to load XFile.
- Using PathInfo instead of PathAnalyzer.
- Removed dependency on ShowHelpBook.
- make_with() accepts POSIX pathes.
- Added make_with_pathinfo().
- Removed make_with_record().
- Removed folder_name.
- A POSX path must be passed to child(), make_folder(), make_path() instead of a HFS path.
- Added copy_with_opts().
- copy_to and copy_with_opts can accept a relative path as a destination.
- Added as_furl().
- make_path() have an argument.
- 1.2.2 -- 2009-11-09
- remove() will return a reviever instance.
- copy_to will preserve file attirbutes(e.g. modification/creation date, etc).
- 1.2.1 -- 2009-03-09
- Fix Japanese manual can't displayed in Help Viewer.
- 1.2 -- 2009-02-18
- Improve unique_child() in Mac OS X 10.5
- Remove dependency on UniqueNamer.
- 1.1.2 -- 2009-01-29
- item_exists() cause to reconstruct the inner file reference of alias class.
- 1.1.1 -- 2008-11-03
- item_exists() always access filesystem to check existantce.
- Improve compatibility with Mac OS X 10.5 with PathAnalyzer 1.7.1.
- 1.1 -- 2008-03-20
- reimplement move_to method using mv command.
- move_to method returns a boolean value.
- fix mistakes in the manual.
- 1.0 -- 2007.08.15