- 2016-12-28
- InsertionLocator 1.3.3 : Obtain insertion/selected location in Finder with smarter way than Finder does.
- 2016-12-16
- ModuleLoader 3.0.1 : Yet another modern library system for AppleScript.
- 2016-12-12
- HelpBook.osax 1.2 : Display Help Books in any bundles in Help Viewer.
- 2016-10-26
- 2016-10-21
- 2016-10-19
- XText 1.3 : Object oriented interface to manipulate text and some advanced features.
- XList 1.7 : A wrapper object to treat AppleScript's list as iterator, stack and queue.
- 2016-10-18
- 2016-09-30
- ToyZip 1.2 : Make Zip files for selected items in Finder individually.
- 2016-09-15
- FileSorter 3.1.6 : Sort a list of files of folders according to their view sorting order in the Finder.
- 2016-09-02
- ModuleLoader 3.0 : Yet another modern library system for AppleScript. The download package is replaced, because old version was contained.
- 2016-09-01
- 2016-08-25
- MergePDF 2.4 : Merge many PDF/image files into one PDF file.
- 2016-08-23
- ModuleLoader 3.0 : Yet another modern library system for AppleScript.
- 2016-05-11
- InsertionLocator 1.3.2 : Obtain insertion/selected location in Finder with smarter way than Finder does.
- 2016-05-03
- MergePDF 2.3.1 : Merge many PDF/image files into one PDF file.
- 2016-04-29
- 2016-04-14
- FileClipper 3.1.1 : Move, copy, make alias files, make symbolic link and make hard link through the clipboard.
- 2016-04-11
- Open in Terminal 2.0 : Make a new terminal window of the working directory depending on the frontmost context.
- 2016-03-18
- PowerRenamer 3.4.1 : Change names of selected items in Finder with searching and replacing strings.
- 2016-03-17
- PowerRenamer 3.4 : Change names of selected items in Finder with searching and replacing strings.
- 2016-03-10
- QuickDMG 2.4 : Create a disk image from a file or a folder with minimal efforts.
- 2016-02-26
- PowerSelect 2.5 : Find items which match with specified condition in selected location of Finder , and select them.
- 2016-02-24
- 2016-02-19
- QuickDMG 2.3.1 : Create a disk image from a file or a folder with little efforts.
- 2016-02-17
- LapTime.osax 1.0.3 : Measure execution time of a script of AppleScript.
- MergePDF 2.3 : Merge many PDF/image files into one PDF file accoding to arrangement in Finder.
- 2016-02-12
- AppleScriptDoc 1.6 : A document generater for AppleScript modules/library.
- HTML::SiteTear 1.46 : Make a separated copy of a part of web site in local file system.
- 2016-02-10
- 2016-02-09
- HTML::SiteTear 1.45 : Make a separated copy of a part of web site in local file system.
- 2016-02-06
- XModulesCore 1.0.6 : A starter kit of AppleScript module library "XModules".
- URI Escape.osax 1.4.1 : A scripting addition to decode percent escaped URI(URL) strings/encode strings into percent escaped strings
- 2016-02-05
- HelpBook.osax 1.1.4 : A scripting addition to display Help Books in any bundles in Help Viewer.
- ModuleLoader 2.3.4 : A module loading system for AppleScript.
- 2016-02-03
- StationeryPalette 3.2 : Unified interface to manage templates of any kind of files without depending on other applications.
- 2016-02-02
- FileSorter 3.1.5 : An AppleScript module to sort a list of files of folders according to their view sorting order in the Finder.