
Regular Expression

PowerRenamer utilizes NSRegularExpression as a Regular Expression Engine. NSRegularExpression is a Cocoa framework using a regular expression engine in ICU that is shipped with OS X.

The basic regular expressions are listed as follows. See the document of ICU for other advanced regular expressions.

^ Match at the beginning of the text.
$ Match at the endding of text.
[ ] Match an arbitrary character enclosed in [ ].
[^ ] Match a character which is not enclosed in [^ ].
| OR condition.
( ) Grouping regular expresion. Matched strings for the groups of regular expressions can be refered with back refereneces \1-\9.
* Match 0 or more times of right before.
+ Match 1 or more times of right before.
? Match 0 or 1 time of right before.
{n} Match n times of right before.
{min,max} Match at least n but not more than m times of right before.
\A Match the begging of the text. Differs from ^ in that \A will not match after a new-line within the input.
\Z Match the endding of the text、 but before the final line terminator, if one exists.
\1〜\9 Refer the matched string for the grouped regular expression with ( ). The number n indicates an index of ( ).
\0 Refere all text matched for the pattern. Use as a part of replaceing text.
\t TAB(0x09)
\n LF(0x0a)
\f FORMFEED(0x0c)
\r CR(0x0d)
. A arbitrary character.
\d A decimal digit character. Same to [0-9].
\D A non decimal degit character. Same to [^0-9]
\s A whitespace character. Same to [\r\t\n\f ].
\S A non whitespace character. Same to [^\r\t\n\f ].
\w A word character. Same to [0-9A-Za-z_].
\W A non word character. Same to [^0-9A-Za-z_].