PathInfo is an AppleScript library which provides object oriented interface to deal with file references.
In AppleScript various kind of file references are used i.e. alias, File URL, HFS path and POSIX path. PathInfo allow to unified way to convert each others and to obtain various infomation from file references.
Obtain information from a path quickly.
Obtain a name from a reference to a file/folder.
Obtain a name of the item with removing a path extension.Almost types of references to a file or a folder can be accepted. e.g.) HFS path, POSIX path, alias, file specification, reference form of Finder and furl.
Obtain a path extension of the item. The result does not starts with ".".
Split a file name into a base name and a path extension.
Obtain a folder path
Make a PathInfo instance for a file reference.
Make a PathInfo instance for a file reference.
Make a PathInfo instance for a file reference. A synonym of make_with
Obtain a name of the file or the folder.
Obtain a name without path extension.
Obtain a path extension of the file name. The result does not starts with ".".
Obtain the volume name of the item referenced by the instance.
Obtain a file reference to the folder containing the target.
Whether the target is a folder or not.
Obtain an internal file reference which the target contains.
Whether an item exits in the file sysem or not.
Whether an item exits in the file sysem or not.
If child and change_folder prefer posix path, true is returned.
Obtain a file reference as alias.
Obtain a file reference as alias.
Obtain a file reference as NSURL.
Obtain a file reference as File URL.
Obtain a file reference as POSIX path form.
Obtain POSIX path which does not end with "/".
Obtain a file reference as HFS path form.
Obtain a path text.
Obtain an instance of PathInfo referencing the folder containing the target.
Make a new PathInfo changing the item name.
Make a new PathInfo changing the path extension.
Make a new PathInfo changing the folder.
Make a new PathInfo appending a sub path.
Make a new PathInfo which refering the same file to the target.